Wednesday, February 25, 2015

An apology in relation to certain comments in post "Interim Application and some tid-bits"

I would like to post an apology in relation to one particular statement in the noted post, where there may have been an implication that Westsea was weak in some way with respect to informing leaseholders of their plans for the Windows and Doors project. I regret resorting to personal attributes in relation to these comments, and apologize for them. It has been my intention to comment only on specific facts relating to my litigation processes and only on matters I am specifically able to document and demonstrate. While I believe I have maintained integrity on that front, I regret the comment made.  To the extent that it is possible to retract the remark, I sincerely express that retraction.  

I have also decided that it is prudent for me to deactivate this blog while the litigation is ongoing, and will now post only actual decisions of the court.  I have removed all the other posts to date.

Hugh Trenchard